Flower Garden
Acrylic on canvas
1020 x 1020mm
Letting go of fear and exploring colours, textures and playful mark making led me to this garden. Layers of discovery and obscuring what doesn’t bring joy. A painting from the heart and not the head when I needed that most.
Oil on canvas in floating wooden frame
43 x 53 x 6cm
Beneath the bowl of flowers was a portrait of a person that emerged one day. A stoic stiff upper lipped individual who was not happy, you could see it in their eyes. Following an art class with some of my favourite little people that person found joy in creating blooms. Re-worked in 2024.
Family Smooching Pears
Mixed media on paper
575 x 390mm
Gestural energy suggesting the connection and relationship between this little family.
Out of the Shadows
Oil on canvas in floating wooden frame
33 x 33 x 6cm
The family of pears huddle together emerging gently into the light. This piece is defintely a reflection of my mood at the point of disappointment and moving forward with the support of my family. I also think it reflects what has been happening in the world.
Balcony Sunset
Oil on canvas in floarting wooden frame
33 x 33 x 6cm
Aminimalist approach to oil painting using glazing to capture a moment in time with a hint of nostalgia.
Heart of the Home
Mixed media on paper mounted onto wooden panels ready to hang
Series of 3 works each 30 x 30cm 1 and 3 can be mounted as a dyptich
Drawing my mother’s kitchen implements from my childhood, these little works are capturing those memories and the time I spent with her cooking or mostly taste testing. The kitchen was where the magic happened.
$145 each
We Are One
Oil on canvas
30 x 30 x 4cm
My little splash of colour while trapped with a needy dog recovering from surgery. I've been thinking what it means to be Australian and had images in my head of compositions responding to the bushfires but found myself turn towards my native flowers instead. Maybe that's my view of what it means to be Australian, as unique as we all are, we work better together.
Just a Vase of Flowers
Mixed media on canvas
500 x 400 x 15mm
Inspired by a poem by the same title, this work looks at the gifting of flowers and the intent behind them.
Playful Pears 3
Mixed media on paper
465 x 320mm
From a small exploration in a sketchbook that needed to go larger, this playful series of pears is like a colouring in book on steroids. Break the rules.
Pear Group in Brown
Mixed Media on paper - brown wooden frame under glass
465 x 320mm
Mixed media on paper - framed in black timber frame under glass
575 x 390mm
Bold and beautiful to capture the intense sweetness of the mandarin.
Mixed media on paper - framed in thin wooden frame under glass
575 x 390mm
I have been growing a pomegranate tree for years and was so excited to finally see fruit on it that it was picked prematurely. This work is embellishing the truth to find joy.
Gifted Orchid
Acrylic on canvas
350 x 720mm
I took mum flowers each time I visited her, she’d ask me if I grew them. I lied and said that I did as I removed the tag in front of her and she laughed. She always enjoyed them. One day I decided to take her an orchid in flower. When it eventually dropped it’s flowers, I was determined to get it to flower again so I could take it back and finally tell the truth. She was so impressed. I managed to do that 3 more times.
Favourite Child
Mixed media on canvas
300 x 300mm
Pears represent relationships to me, the way they fall and lean in on each other. Like any mother, we may have our favourite child, or the golden child, it may vary at times too, they all need protection at different times and some extra support.
Pear Love
Mixed media on canvas
300 x 300mm
That feeling when you feel connected to someone and have made a safe happy nest together.
Nautilus Still Life
Oil on canvas floating wooden frame
Size 32 x 32cm W x 6cm D
Still life allows you to create colourful corners of comfort and this has never been more important as we navigate our new normal in 2020. In this one I used subtle textures on the table cloth and a soft calming palette. I’ve had this nautilus shell since living and working in the Torres Strait and tip of Cape York back in the 80s. It was a treasure to find and has been a prized reminder of my time there.
The Drunk Uncle
Acrylic on canvas in Tasmanian Oak Floating frame
360 x 720mm
This family of pears looks at relationships in the positioning of the objects and the personality of each. Like any family there is conflict. Parents whispering their concerns in the background, young kids playing in the foreground oblivious to any tension. The defiant and challenging teen on the right and don’t forget the drunk uncle that has fallen over unnoticed.
Domestic Science
Mixed media on canvas in wooden floating frame not shown
300 x 400mm
Cut pumpkin with a side of hidden thoughts and memories fading in the shadows. We never celebrated Halloween as children, but we went to church every Sunday. As I got older, I realised that the people at that neighbourhood church were not very Christian. We celebrate Halloween now with our neighbourhood kids and it brings the community together.
Red Apples
Mixed media on canvas
500 x 400mm
I did some sketching inspired by Margaret Olley’s still lifes at the Tweed Gallery. This painting grew from those sketches.
The Green Vase
Acrylic on canvas
300 x 400mm
Playful use of mark making and colours led to this still life. Sometimes our art takes us on a different trajectory.
Herbal Tea
Mixed media on paper
465 x 320mm
A Tuesday drawing session with lovely company. Good for the soul.
Playful Pears 1
Mixed media on paper
465 x 320mm
From a small exploration in a sketchbook that needed to go larger, this playful series of pears is like a colouring in book on steroids. Break the rules.
Playful Pears 2
Mixed media on paper
465 x 320mm
From a small exploration in a sketchbook that needed to go larger, this playful series of pears is like a colouring in book on steroids. Break the rules.
Two Vases
Mixed media 37 x 49 x 1cm
It’s lovely witnessing details in a new environment and creating imagery with new objects. These unique vases were at a friend’s home, one she made. If you were to zoom out there were three women all drawing, chatting and doing coffee. An art date!
Spring Garden
Acrylic on canvas 45.5 x 30.5 x 3cm
Intuitive layered approach to an imaginative garden of playful lines and imagined flora.
SOLD at KDTY Decor and Design - Tweed City (next to Post Office)
Yellow Reach
Acrylic on canvas 46 x 32 x 3cm
Intuitive layered approach to an imaginative garden of playful lines and imagined flora. This painting continues on the sides of the canvas.
SOLD at KDTY Decor and Design - Tweed City (next to Post Office)
Acrylic on board in repurposed frame 39 x 39 x 4cm
Using a layered intuitive approach blooms emerged in time for Spring. Marks were made using a range of objects including stencils, palette knife, loyalty card and wooden sticks. The frame has been given a second life.
Mother’s Day
Mixed media
48 x 58 x 1 cm
Keeping it free and loose starting by scribbling with a stick and ink and working back to it with gouache. My mum was always active so when she fractured her hip and was restricted by a wheelchair, we started a new hobby together often painting flowers. These are the best ones as they stay fresh. Happy memories.
Pink Tulips
Framed oil on canvas
35 x 27.5 x 1 cm
This piece is finished in a painted wooden Hamptons style frame. It depicts soft pastel shades of the tulips.
Native Blooms
Oil on canvas
30 x 30 x 3cm
Inspired by Australian natives, blooms are created using playful marks. Nothing is that precious that is can’t be changed. Don’t wait for someone to buy flowers for you, buy your own flowers and weave the stems into a ladder for when you need a pick up.
SOLD at KDTY Decor and Design - The Strand - Coolangatta
Thanks a Bunch
Oil on canvas with a floating wooden frame
53 x 42 x 6cm
With a nod to my mother-in-law’s rich wallpaper from the 70s, white daisies always make me smile as my mum often had a bunch of them in the entry of our home.
Still Life with Oranges
Acrylic on canvas with wooden frame
30 x 40 x 1.5cm
Colour play is an expression of mood and sometimes we need to change the colours of objects to enhance them. Complimentary colours are a great place to start to add warmth and personality to domestic objects. I like to think that I caught the oranges rolling as the cup toppled. Which one moved first?
email refreshme2016@gmail.com if interested in purchasing
Native Blooms in Purple Vase
Acrylic on canvas
25 x 20 x 1 cm
The perfect gift of flowers that will last.
Inspired by Australian natives, blooms are created using playful marks. Nothing is that precious that is can’t be changed. Don’t wait for someone to buy flowers for you, buy your own flowers and weave the stems into a ladder for when you need a pick up.
Flower Power
Acrylic on canvas IN Tasmanian Oak Frame
30 x 40 x 4.5 cm
Inspired by simple daisies, blooms are created using playful marks. Nothing is that precious that is can’t be changed. Don’t wait for someone to buy flowers for you, buy your own flowers and weave the stems into a ladder for when you need a pick up.
Create your own joy and be playful.
Floral Bird
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 40 x 1 cm
Inspired by my backyard visitors, blooms are created using playful marks. Nothing is that precious that is can’t be changed. Layers of marks and reverse painting reveal an imagined garden. Don’t wait for someone to buy flowers for you, buy your own flowers and weave the stems into a ladder for when you need a pick up.
Tall Poppies
Acrylic on canvas
30 x 40 x 1.5cm
Blooms are created using playful marks. Nothing is that precious that is can’t be changed. Don’t wait for someone to buy flowers for you, buy your own flowers and weave the stems into a ladder for when you need a pick up.
Create your own joy and be playful.
email refreshme2016@gmail.com if interested in purchasing
Nautilus Shell
Mixed media on paper
Mixed media framed in a recycled black frame (not photographed)
48 x 58 x 1 cm
Keeping it free and loose starting by scribbling with a stick and ink and working back to it with paint, pastels, charcoal and pencil
Essential Shopping
Mixed media on board in repurposed frame 31 x 26cm
During lockdown I felt an urge to add an orchid to our home. It was an essential shopping moment and brought me joy as well as new subject matter for my art focus. What started as an intuitive layered background ended in soft pencil details.