Unleashing Ned
I had a special art class resently that included the cousin from England. The teacher kicked in and I wanted to send the kids away having had a fun experience together but also learning a little about Australian folklore in the process, themepark art studio experience! Ned Kelly and Sidney Nolan became the natural fit. We talked about Ned and his brush with the law that stated at the young age of 14 and his short life of violence in a gang. That was not lost on the kids as they recognised that still happens today for some kids. We jumped into Sidney Nolan and his success with the stylised now iconic imagery of the Kelly armour and how he captured the scene quickly. Their enthusiasm and focus as they chose a piece of Australia for Ned to tour was just wonderful. The cousin went home with Ned staring out at the beach here in Casuarina as we all do as a ritual. There were discussions about seeing the landscape though Ned’s armour by framing birds and how particular colours just say Australia. Ned and Sid brought joy and discovery and are still so relevant today.